Birds and Animals of Warrumbungle National Park


Product Description

Learning about selected Australian animals is encouraged through reading, colouring and activities.
Kids can develop identification skills as well as learn about the special characteristics of the animals and their habitat needs. They can discover which animals are threatened, and what they need to survive.

Contents Include:

Australian Admiral
Banjo Frog (Pobblebonk)
Bearded Dragon
Brush-tailed Possum
Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby
Common Ringtail Possum
Crimson Chat
Crimson Rosella
Diamond Firetail
Eastern Grey Kangaroo
Eastern Yellow Robin
Feather-tailed Glider
Jacky Lizard
Peron’s Tree Frog
Red-bellied Black Snake
Red-capped Robin
Red-necked Wallaby
Red-rumped Parrot
Regent Honeyeater
Short-beaked Echidna
Speckled Warbler
Spotted Pardalote
Squirrel Glider
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
Superb Fairy-wren
Turquoise Parrot
Wedge-tailed Eagle
White-throated Treecreeper
Yellow-faced Honeyeater