Birds and Animals of Wollumbin National Park (Mount Warning)


Product Description

Learning about selected Australian animals is encouraged through reading, colouring and activities.
Kids can develop identification skills as well as learn about the special characteristics of the animals and their habitat needs. They can discover which animals are threatened, and what they need to survive.

Contents include:

Albert’s Lyrebird
Angle-headed Dragon
Brush Turkey
Carpet Python
Coxen;s Fig Parrot
Eastern Water Dragon
Eastern Whipbird
Emerald Dove
Forest Kingfisher
Giant Barred Frog
Golden Whistler
Greater Glider
Green Catbird
Hip Pocket Frog
King Parrot
Marbled Frogmouth
Mitchells Rainforest Snail
Mountain Brushtail Possum
Noisy Pitta
Pale Yellow Robin
Paradise Riflebird
Red-necked Pademelon
Regent Bowerbird
Richmond River Birdwing
Rose-crowned Fruit Dove
Rufous Scrub-bird
Satin Bowerbird
Sooty Owl
Spotted-tailed Quoll
Squirrel Glider
Superb Fruit Dove
Varied Triller
Wompoo Fruit Dove