Commissioned Work

Wildlife illustrations, colour in competitions and custom made booklets for National Parks and various groups concerned with environmental education.

Wild Things book Commissioned by National Parks and Wildlife Service Gosford Office
Wild About Birds work Commissioned by Byron Bay Bird Buddies through a Caring for Country grant
Colouring Competition Colouring Competition example
National Parks example National Parks example


“Learning about the Fragile Fauna of the Bellinger Valley”
Commissioned by the Bellingen Environment Centre.
  • The WINDOW on the Wetlands, Warren NSW

    Learning about selected Australian animals is encouraged through reading, colouring and activities.
    Kids can develop identification skills as well as learn about the special characteristics of the animals and their habitat needs. They can discover which animals are threatened, and what they need to survive.


    Bearded Dragon
    Black-winged Stilt
    Blue-faced Honeyeater
    Common Brushtail Possum
    Crested Pigeon
    Eastern Hooded Scaly-foot
    Eastern Sign-bearing Frog
    Eastern Snake-necked Turtle
    Grey-crowned Babbler
    Lace Monitor
    Long-thumbed Frog
    Magpie Goose
    Masked Lapwing
    Pink-eared Duck
    Purple Swamphen
    Red-bellied Black Snake
    Red Kangaroo
    Red-winged Parrot
    Sacred Kingfisher
    Shingle-back Lizard
    Spotted Bowerbird
    Swamp Wallaby
    Wedge-tailed Eagle
    Whistling Kite
    White-necked Heron
    White-plumed Honeyeater
    Yellow-bellied Sheath-tailed Bat
    Yellow-billed Spoonbill